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Three Bottles

A dairy packaging study

The task

A packaging design study for sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, to inform and guide regional brand building ambitions.

Our Approach

  • Exploratory focus groups among users of sweet and condensed milk and evaporated milk.
  • InsightAsia Malaysia led the research regionally and worked closely with InsightAsia research teams in each country, who helped provide a critical understanding of the local context and visual interpretation.
  • The research ran sequentially, so the research team could analyse the findings for each country. This allowed an iterative approach to ensure learning from one market could be reexamined in another market.

The learning

  • Identified key packaging design elements to strengthen the visual identity of the brand regionally.
  • Understood what premium cues to use to successfully elevate the brand image.
  • Captured important differences across markets; appreciation of dessert imagery in the Philippines vs iced tea imagery in Thailand.