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Based on our vast experience conducting home immersion, on site research allows us to see how consumers behave i.e. how they use a certain products, where are the products being stored, who else uses it at home etc. – and it turned out to be a lot more complex than what consumers can convey in focus groups.


  • We strive to blend in with the setting to observe, listen, probe and use the environment as stimulus for conservation to uncover those important insights that help to optimize a brand and engage consumers.
  • Looking out for contradictions (between what people say and what they do) is crucial in creating products and services that connect with people’s real emotions and intentions.
  • Getting rich insights of how the target consumers make sense of the world will help client to find ways to add real value to consumers lives that fit with who they are and the group which they belong to.
  • Home based ethnographies generally last from 2-2.5 hours, depending on research coverage.

Get to observe step by step behaviour in real settings at home

Insights on product placement at home

i.e. the way condiments are arranged and how it impact on decision making towards certain brands.