Qualitative ‘experience design’ research to evaluate websites as an initial or on-going part of quality assurance. Testing of actual online usage to determine issues in the key areas of: Accessibility, Identity, Navigation, Content.
- User centric for both design and development.
- Personal sessions provide thorough observation for in depth observations.
- As part of sound prototype website development.
- More commonly, on-going improvement of website for great user experience, repeated on regular basis.
- Prior to website redevelopment.
- When specific information is required about a page or promotional site.
- Best conducted in user’s home environment (or office), no new systems to learn and can observe website on different computers.
- Moderator provides gentle guidance, objective is to allow user to encounter and try to resolve any issues on their own.
- Any issues are rated for severity – both functional and emotional experience.
Frequent testing provides incremental improvements and proof of resolution of any issues. PPT report can contain web shots of possible issues along with suggestions for improvements.